Public pressure and I listened to the will of the people: I voted no to protect the citizens.
I am proud of you as a community for standing strong on principles and constitutional values these are the issue's
Big Thanks to Stacie Lynne out of the kindness of her heart came and educated us on planC over and over telling us to not go down the same road as Ft. Collins and colorado did with there MPO and Clarion Associates being the driver.
Is there still more work to do to rid the EPA Barbra Boxer bills Map21 federal funding and these environmentalist waco's? Yes. We need a plan but not this PlanC with bad stuff in it thats hurting private property owners and mom and pop businesses.
But the political will is not there yet to get rid of it for now. But because of you We The People putting public pressure on and keeping it on through out all four the meetings there was record amounts of people attending. Every meeting testifying every meeting working to contact your local officials helping move information it did produce this.
On 3-11-14 The county commissioner heard you and they passed over 100 amendments to gut the planC as it once was and as hard as the MPO and Clarion Associates push back Commission Ash, Commissioner Holmes held there ground and every Laramie county commissioner passed the amendments. Please take time and thank them!!!!!
Also thank the concil woman Annette Williams and councilman Mike Luna Thanks to SCCDA they put together 17 amendments and a lot of input.
Thank you lord for that. There a watchmen: all though there's plenty of relief for Laramie County bosses for now.
All most all of us read the planC books watch the DVDs and thats why we tried to stop this. Being aware and we know there is still great concern about what we learn from all of us educating or selves about what's really in PlanCheyenne and who pushing this EPA green agenda's . The town halls were inspirational and we will continue to do them. Next time all elected officials need to come so your not out in the dark. Even the Mayor came once?
I voted yes on the amendments but I never will support PlanC and I voted No because I heard you loud and clear and I am proud to represent you. WE MUST PROTECT LARAMIE COUNTY ALWAYS.
The fight will continue and I believe the governor and state legislators and those in washington need to look at this closely on how federal regulations are going to hurt Cheyenne and Casper with there planCs in both cities UDC and clarion associates it is not good for wyoming.
The city of cheyenne is still not there yet, but now amendments need to rein down on them because now you can amend almost always not just once a year. They need to look at UDC the enforcer of these bad Plans and what its is doing to the city businesses?
A Constitutional review its worth getting everything right:
Cheyenne Uniform Development Codes
Article 6 Design Regulations; 6.3; 6.5; and 6.6 as they apply to private property.
These are Unconstitutional and actionable unless they can demonstrate direct and specific public health
and safety effects.
With out public pressure these amendments would not of come so fast, I am proud of all of you. I thank You all.
We must continue to work together: and I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity so help me God.
Laramie County Commissioner M.Lee Hasenauer
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