Friday, March 7, 2014

Support for a ballot Vote: - Plan Cheyenne

Hi all!


Wow!  Hope you're all reading the Wyoming Tribune Eagle.  I LOVE that sidebar feature where we all can sound off on PlanCheyenne and the Bikes Rule mentality.  (What ever happened to bike stands and

cross walks as simple solutions, by the way?)


Reminder:  Meeting Saturday, Egg and I, 10:30 - Noon.

Stacy Lynne and Tim Bieligk will be the main presenters

as they both have critical updates to provide us as we

move forward, and with little time to do it.


Amendment Update:  This is still a work in progress but Councilwoman Annette Williams promised to present an amendment (to the amendment thrown together and and thrown at us on the 4th?) to get PlanCheyenne to the vote of the people.  Remember: City Council votes on Monday the 10th; County on the 11th.


Lastly, and if you were not present late at night on the 4th of March as a lot of us were, and, as we (and 40 good arguments against P/Cheyenne later) were summarily dismissed as a predetermined agenda for approval of PlanCheyenne with amendments were suddenly and haphazardly thrust upon, not only us, but at least one of the unsuspecting city council members (most of the others on the dias appeared either dazed or possibly bored with our constant voice of dissent over probable approval of updated P/Cheyenne); here is the email correspondence between our elected county commissioner WHO WAS BYPASSED IN THE WHOLE DRAFTING PROCESS and City Councilman, Dr. Rinne (WHO OBVIOUSLY WASN'T) presented the hastily drawn amendment which required almost instant approval vote from the council members, most of whom were in automatic approval mode anyway. 


Transparency, here she comes!  ~~~~Betty.




Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 3:05 AM
Subject: RE: Support for a ballot Vote:

Councilmen  Dr. M.Rinne
I will never ignore the constitution or the Red White and Blue Americans that live in Laramie County. NEVER SIR,NEVER they deserve a chance to vote on this issue its the republic's thing to due. The only way you the city council have followed the constitution lately is by the court order. Remember and then you Councilmen  Dr. Rinne still did not obey there ruling on the constitution you still voted against there wishes to keep the sign ordinances. So don't lecture me and don't worry  we will and have documented your voting record and rest sure you WE THE PEOPLE will never forget it.

The constitution gives the people the right to decide all issue's. I amazed at your arrogant response to the people wishes to have a simple vote. These are my bosses that I represent laramie county constituents I would ask you show them some respect. And I will defend there right in a free republic tell my death, and I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity SO HELP ME GOD. The people have the authority and will have the last say so in all this issue. Even if the have to wait tell the next election.

This is the only true statement you have made and I take it as a complement so thank you.
(You have preached to us about the Constitution constantly.) I don't remember mentioning democracy kind sir,next time just answer the question Yes or No ok?  Please take the federal dollars out of your ears and listen to the people. They ask for a vote several times during your council meetings to deny them a vote is like what? ( A Dictatorship) I hope the rest of the council can see the in justice of that?

Laramie county commissioner
M.Lee Hasenauer

Your Arrogant response to a Yes or No Question has been recorded:

Dear Mr. Hasenauer,
The hypocrisy of your request is stunning.  You have preached to us about the Constitution constantly.    If you are such a student of the document, then you would know that the United States is not a democracy.  It is a representative republic.  We, the City Council members, are the elected representatives of the citizens of Cheyenne. Due to the fact that you were unable to get your way you are now trying an end run around the very document that you profess to love and revere.  Stop wrapping yourself in the Constitution when you think that it suits your limited interests and then ignoring it when it does not suit you.

Dr. Mark Rinne

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 6, 2014, at 1:34 PM, "Moses Hasenauer" <> wrote:
This was the fair question I ask:

Surely You the city council would support a Ballot Vote in the nov. elections and let the voters decide PlanC would you?

If the voter's approve it then it would tell you there for it right? They passes 5th and 6th penny projects right?

Please let me know yes or no  maybe probably  what ok?

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