Sunday, March 9, 2014

Plan Cheyenne - The News paper Opinion- "conspiracy buffs guide policy"

Don't let conspiracy buffs guide policy

The issue: A public hearing on PlanCheyenne last week ended up in a five-hour convention for Agenda 21 conspiracy buffs.

We believe: Every modern community needs a plan to guide growth. Local governments must stand up for that in the face of misguided residents.

Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at

It was quite the circus last Tuesday evening at the Municipal Building in downtown Cheyenne. What should have been a routine sign-off on the master plan for the city turned into a free-for-all for conspiracy theorists to push their misguided agendas.

A lack of understanding was in ample supply at the Committee of the Whole meeting. The committee, made up of City Council members, minus the mayor, was looking to recommend approval of an amended resolution to update PlanCheyenne, this area’s plan for growth.

The resolution consisted mostly of changes to language, and it should have been a no-brainer vote. In the end, after five hours of debate and testimony, the latter coming mostly from the anti-Agenda 21 crowd, enough sensible members of the committee voted in favor of the resolution (6-2) and the issue now goes to the City Council on Monday.

What folks should keep in mind is that the frenzy seen at Tuesday’s meeting does not represent the opinion of the majority of residents in Cheyenne. In fact, some people in the crowd Tuesday weren’t from the Capital City at all. They are part of the fear Agenda 21 movement that believes the United Nations is trying to control America through cities’ master plans for development.

It is ridiculous to think that there is some grand scheme behind PlanCheyenne or any other plan for future development. But the conspiracy theorists like to take bits and pieces of issues and roll them around in their heads until they make connections that match their agendas.

These people don’t even realize what they’re fighting against. With PlanCheyenne, they are seeing ghosts where none exist. Every modern city has a plan to properly manage its growth. It has to have one. Planning can protect a city’s culture, it can improve quality of life of its citizens, and it can make sure a city grows in the right way, without causing major disruptions to its citizenry.

And, in this instance, it can secure money that can be used to improve its infrastructure. Both the City Council and the Laramie County Commission must sign off on PlanCheyenne every five years to be eligible for federal grants. In the last seven years, that has been some $110 million.

But the conspiracy theorists don’t care about that. Indeed, County Commissioner M. Lee Hasenauer urged the committee Tuesday to “cure the addiction to federal dollars.”

Really? Maybe a good way to cure that addiction would be for Mr. Hasenauer to pony up the $100 million himself. Until then, Cheyenne n and Laramie County, which Mr. Hasenauer is supposed to represent n needs to secure every dollar it can get, even evil federal ones.

One theme that resurfaced throughout the night Tuesday was an irrational fear of bike paths. What in the world could these folks have against bike paths, you wonder. Well, we wonder that as well.

Some seem to think that the only reason a city builds bike paths or supports other alternative forms of transportation is so it can outlaw cars.

Of course, that’s ridiculous, but there is a bit of truth in there. A city does hope to reduce vehicle traffic and air pollution by supporting alternative forms of transportation. The conspiracy buffs take that nugget of truth and twist it around to try to convince themselves that these bike paths will expand until there is no room for pickups.

We feel for the sensible members of the Committee of the Whole who had to endure five hours of nonsense Tuesday. And we are shocked that two members of the council n Annette Williams and Mike Luna n supported this craziness.

We wish we could say things will get better from here. Unfortunately, Tuesday was just the first step.

PlanCheyenne goes before the council and the County Commission on Monday and Tuesday, respectively.

The conspiracy theorists will be out again, and city and county leaders will have to hold their tongues when someone stands up and says that Fort Collins, Colo., has insufficient affordable housing because of its master plan for development. Or that they shouldn’t follow a plan here because all cars will be outlawed and residents will all have to ride bikes back and forth to work every day.

Come to think of it, though, riding a bike can be a good way to clear one’s mind. There are certainly a few minds in this community that could use a good clearing.

 Here was my response I wrote - Many have not read plan Cheyenne in doing so they will seal there fate.  Those who have, are warning we don't want our freedoms taken away.  John Adams said it right -  "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
here is other responses


Maybe we need to boycott the paper just saying!!

here are some response
Uhhh....NSA wrote on Mar 9, 2014 4:04 PM:
" The "conspiracy folks" were right about excessive government surveillance as well as predicting the up-armouring of police with military vehicles and firepower. What have the "media folks" been right about lately? "

Two Peas in A Pod wrote on Mar 9, 2014 2:14 PM:
" I heard Judy Case on KGAB Friday say the bump-outs downtown was a result of Agenda 21.

Is this the same Judy Case who voted against a City Council raise her first term and said if it passed she would never take it?

She never missed the higher pay check.

Is this the same Hasenauer who said if you vote for 5 commissioners I will never run for one of the new positions?

What does Judy Case and M. Lee Hasenauer have in common?

Can you spell liars? "

J. Wise wrote on Mar 9, 2014 1:56 PM:
" Car dealers,Barbers,restaurants owners,plummers,developers,private property owners, The SCCDA are speaking up here its not just a few its lots of people pulling togeather.

Plan Cheyenne is funded by map 21 a Barabra Boxer bill with lots of regulations attached.

Even congress woman Cythia Loomis is speaking up against it. She say's this what is destroying colorado businesses and itis bad for wyoming.

The WTE is not even close on this one. You citizens better wake up and come to the meetings. "

A huge citizen movement wrote on Mar 9, 2014 1:45 PM:
" People are seeing through the process of city, county, and state governing and the view is not a pretty one. Today we have the WTE story to back it up. 'Mock, Isolate and Defame.' (And then vote the way we planned
to anyway.)

We, the citizens, are bigger than that. Nobody but NOBODY can fake what has taken place in this
citizen movement. It's a voice that has found its legs; and now they are RUNNING to join us because they see the TRUTH in what we say and who we are! They are no
longer ALONE

Yesterday the laramie county republican caucas voted unanimously against the MPO and plancheyenne. "

Charlie wrote on Mar 9, 2014 1:32 PM:
" The Three Essentials' to Having a blessed life.

1. Faithful Giving

2. Powerful Prayer

3. Standing Strong together.

Commissioner M.Lee Hasenauer is just the igniter the whole community is the dynamite to blow up this PlanCheyenne. "

Barry wrote on Mar 9, 2014 11:37 AM:
" Many have not read plan Cheyenne in doing so they will seal there fate. Those who have, are warning we don't want our freedoms taken away. John Adams said it right - "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." "

Wyomings Lottery wrote on Mar 9, 2014 10:53 AM:
" Is it true M. Lee Hasenauer is going to pass out $50.00 bills to his supporters Tuesday evening? "

Tin Hat wrote on Mar 9, 2014 10:41 AM:
" Want-a-bee politicians like Taylor Haynes was at the meeting with his tin hat on leading the fight against the UN Agenda 21.

Is this what Wyoming needs for leadership? "

Ron wrote on Mar 9, 2014 10:37 AM:
" Low-information politicians like Emilee Hasenauer, Cindy Hill, Pete Lamebourn, Annette Williams, Judy Case and Mike Luna have all bought into the UN Agenda 21 rumors.

They even claim the proposed rec-center, smart meters and parking garage was mandated by Agenda 21.

And what is even more bizarre is local talk radio, KGAB is also promoting this Jerry Springer, low-information behavior. "

Fruit Cakes wrote on Mar 9, 2014 9:44 AM:
" The low-information tin hats at it again? "

In Cheyenne wrote on Mar 9, 2014 9:37 AM:
" Are these conspiracy buffs (your words) the same ones who went on a gun and ammunition shopping spree after Obama was elected twice? "

gary johnson wrote on Mar 9, 2014 8:38 AM:
" Please be informed Cheyenne, here is a link to what to expect, details Agenda 21 motives, get us in tight quarters so it will be easier to monitor us. "

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