Friday, February 28, 2014

SCCDA March Meeting and Update

I am looking forward to receiving all of your suggestions, solutions and responses. Please feel free to email me at

Thank you,

Annette L. Williams
Cheyenne City Council Ward 1
2101 O'Neil Avenue, Room 115
Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 637-6357 Office
Howdy All,


There has been quite a few meetings and events that have happened in the last few weeks.  We held a town hall on Saturday and had a tremendous turnout.  As soon as the video becomes available, we'll share it.  If you already have it, please share.


Here is where we currently are.  The City Council has referred Plan Cheyenne to the Committee of the Whole as a resolution last night.  The next committee meeting will be on 4 March 2014 at 6pm.  It will then go to the full body for a final vote on 10 March 2014 at 6pm.


The County Commissioners have moved their regularly scheduled meeting from 4 March 2014 to 11 March 2014 so that all five Commissioners will be present. 


Please go through the plan, identify and send page and paragraph information that you have an issue with to all of the Commissioners and City Councilmen.  They are accepting and working on amendments.  I have spoken with Amber Ash and Buck Holmes and they are very open to looking into items in the plan that personnel have issues with.  Amber stated that if you send her the page and paragraph information, she will write the amendments.  My best advise is to send emails and letters to ALL City Council, the Mayor, and ALL Commissioners.  They ALL need to hear your concerns.  Garnering support of one individual is not going to make an impact - they ALL need to know that you are unhappy and what your concerns and issues are.  Please do not wait until the hearings to make comments, send them ASAP so that they can read them, research, them, and have time to change them and comment on them.


Due to the Commissioner meeting moving to the 11th of March, we will move the SCCDA monthly meeting to the following Tuesday, 18 March 2014.

Take Care and Have a Great Day!


Laura J. Jeffrey, President

South Cheyenne Community Development Association

Thursday, February 27, 2014

“Plan Cheyenne”: A Recipe For Dictatorial Control

“Plan Cheyenne”: A Recipe For Dictatorial Control


By Frank Smith


Originally Published in “Liberty’s Torch,” Issue 12, August, 2012


     Cheyenne City government, unable to fill the “Hole” in eight years and two administrations, remains convinced it can plan Cheyenne’s future for the next 30 years.

      Governments across the country, obsessed with the idea they (and only they) can plan a glorious future, have busied themselves and a legion of planners writing pie-in-the-sky “Master Plans” such as “Plan Cheyenne.”

      Funded by federal dollars administered by the City, these moles have been steadily undermining our community for a decade.

      “Plan Cheyenne,” on the verge of city and county acceptance, was hatched from “Vision 2020,” which was hatched from “Shape Cheyenne - Community.”

      The assumption of the obsession is that only government is divinely endowed with the wisdom, foresight and mental acumen to decide what you can do with your property. Not you, brother.

      The right of private property and the right to do what you wish with it, is the foundation of all human rights; protection of property rights is the reason citizens form governments. Without the right to obtain, control and improve property, all rights fade into oblivion.

      “What our generation has forgotten is that the system of private property is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not.”  (F.A. Hayek, The Road To Serfdom.)

      Hayek wrote his treatise against central planning in 1944; his foresight was amazing. He notes the “movement for planning… Unites almost all the single-minded idealists” and “would make the very men who are most anxious to plan society the most dangerous if they were allowed to do so - and the most intolerant of the planning of others. From the saintly and single-minded idealist to the fanatic is often but a step.”

      All wealth comes from the land; therefore, control of land use is control of wealth. Government control means an end to capitalism, freedom and liberty, thus leading to the re-birth of fascism.

      “Plan Cheyenne,” to be found at, is a five-part document, over 750 pages long, covering the Master Plan for the area (not just the city), and is composed mainly of three sections: The “Community Plan” (what your house or building will look like); the “Parks and Recreation Plan” (so you can worship Mother Earth conveniently); and the “Transportation Plan” (get your bicycle out).

      There are over 150 miles of bicycle paths in the transportation section, as well as the “Complete Streets Project” for South Greeley Highway, which means: Complete destruction of businesses and neighborhoods south of Fox Farm Road. Oh, but we could have a beautiful gateway to Cheyenne for the Colorado contractors who steal our jobs, with trees and flowers…

      “Plan Cheyenne” is “an integrated community (city and county) master plan that defines the Cheyenne area’s future,” in the words of the Executive Summary.

      “Plan Cheyenne” ties directly into the Unified Development Code passed by the City this year that effectively eliminated private property rights in Cheyenne.

     Partners in the process include Clarion, LSA, AVI and EDAW. The latter has a proven track record across the country as partners with the United Nations in terms of climate control, greenhouse gas emissions and “sustainable development.” That is, as a stalking horse for the UN’s Agenda 21 program.

      Here is a short excerpt from Section 5, “Design Principles for New Development”:

       “The following series of sketches illustrates the principles for new development to meet the goals of authenticity, quality, and character. These principles raise the bar for design in new development and inject the community’s voice into the design process. New development designed according to these principles will elevate the overall image and functionality of our community.” 

(Emphases added.)

     Translation: Your building or house is going to fit this cookie-cutter stencil, and it will cost you more, but we know best and you’re going to do what we say.

      The public can go to the City’s website and jump to “Plan Cheyenne” to download this glorious vision, the Master Plan by the Master Race, if you have the stomach for it. Be prepared to gag.

      It is no use fighting the tentacles of the octopus; the octopi must die. Government that cannot figure out how to fill in a downtown “Hole” in eight years can hardly tell you what to do with your property over the next 30 years. If they grab that right, to paraphrase Hunter S. Thompson, Cheyenne is going to look as if the Nazis won the war.

      There is no negotiation with thugs who want to steal your property rights. “Plan Cheyenne” is a blueprint for fascism, where government tells you what you may or may not do with your property, but where you still hold a title and pay exorbitant taxes.

      “Plan Cheyenne” has to be dead on arrival at the City Council and the Laramie County Commission. Get on the horn today and call them before they can quick-pitch this, as they did the UDC, and it ends up being carved in stone.

       According to the City of Cheyenne Employee Listing, published by law in the Jan. 10, 2011 newspaper of record, there are currently 28 employees distributed over four departments planning your future. They are the Metropolitan Planning Organization, Building and Development Office, Urban Planning, and Planning and Development.

     These employees each consume an average of $4,543 per month, for a yearly total of over $1.5 million of your tax dollars, exclusive of any benefits, health insurance, life insurance or pension plans.

     There is nothing more un-American, anti-liberty or more important to do away with than both “Plan Cheyenne” AND the commie rats that have been plotting it. These rats need to be publicly denounced as the UN collaborators that they are, fired immediately, and blacklisted from ANY government job in the state of Wyoming. They are traitors to the people and enemies of liberty.

     All incumbents - in the City Council and the Mayor himself - need to be thrown out. The status quo has gotta go!

     “There are but two natural sources of wealth - the Earth and the Ocean - and to lose the right to either is, in our situation, to put up the other for sale.” (Thomas Paine, 1779.)


Frank Smith is the owner and operator of Liberty Blacksmith Works in South Cheyenne, and has been writing political and economic commentary for over 30 years. He can be reached care of Liberty’s Torch at


Stacy Lynne and county commissioner m lee hasuner on Plan Cheyenne 2-27-14 On AM 650 KGAB

Facts is Plan Cheyenne is the same as Ft. Collins

Facts is Plan Cheyenne is the same as Ft. Collins

This is the company that has destroyed Ft. Collins is here on our door step. Clarion Asst. is  the creator of the bad Plan for Cheyenne. Has any of you seen the pictures Betty S. took of Ft. collins I believe council men B. Cook got them an Council women A williams please share them. Notice the title of the story (The superior Town board)
You elected officials are smarter than this don't let this happen here. Its not worth the $114 million of tax payers debt. fedral money  we don't have, just to loose our community is it? Everyone needs to stop this tuesday night City Council as a whole 6:00 pm be there.

Mar 20, 2012 ... Beth Moyski, Assistant Town Manager. PRESENTED FOR: Introduction. The Superior Town Board approved selection of Clarion Associates as the consultant to .... Wyoming), and the recent completion of Plan Fort Collins, and plan Cheyenne are the same.

Cheyenne, WY. You are witnessing a another Govt. overtaking your local City and County Govt. Right now willyou wake UP! Two Eyewitness to this fact - End Time Talk Radio News Special Report!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

KHNC- Dave Hodges - (Stacy Lynne) - (Laramie County Commissioner Calls in M. Lee Hasenauer Cheyenne, WY) Called in 2-24-14 - WE HAVE A GOVERNMENT TAKE OVER OUR COUNTY AND CITY! HERE IN CHEYENNE WY

THIS NEEDS TO GET OUT EVERYONE NOW!!! End Time Talk Radio - Stacy Lynne - Agenda 21 info from Cheyenne, WY and other cities in the USA - Hitting Cheyenne, WY on Feb 3, 2014

Agenda 21 Meeting here in Cheyenne, WY. - The City of Cheyenne Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on February 3, 2014, at 6:00 p.m., in Room 118, of the Municipal Building, 2101 O’Neil Avenue, Cheyenne, Wyoming to consider

Stacy Lynne PlanCheyenne Town Hall Feb 22nd, 2014 - lOOK Cheyenne, WY. You will lose your Local Government to the Feds if they take Grant Money Wake UP Cheyenne!!!!!!!!! Is freedom important to you????????????

Look what is happening in Cheyenne, WY. (Plan Cheyenne) - NO Elected Officials were not in this meeting. It was city, County, State, and what are the Feds doing also in our County???

Red Alert:!!!! MPO POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING - Happening here in Cheyenne, WY This Hot!!!! -The Feds are trying to get into our County - Updated!!

Why Plan Cheyenne is bad for our community - I will be submittting this to our local Paper - Wyoming Tribune-Eagle

The people of Laramie County are not being listened to! Listen how the people spoke - We the People were disrespected - Cheyenne, WY 2-13-14 -- Plan Cheyenne

Cheyenne Is Fired Up! Look what is trying to come into Cheyenne, WY. We are tring to stop it Stacy Lynne came in from Fort Collins, CO. she spoke on 2-8-14 watch this video 2 hrs. on Agenda 21 known as Plan Cheyenne-

This is happening in Cheyenne, Wy and happening in your town also - M. Lee Hasenauer Laramie County Commissioner

KGAB AM 650 Stacy Lynne - with M. Lee Hasenauer County Commissioner - On Plan Cheyenne

I called in on am 650 KGAB how Cheyenne Planning Commission voted - Stacy Lynne

Update on Plan Cheyenne, Wy - Stacy Lynne - Barry Meyer reporting: End Time Talk Radio News

Major Meeting in Cheyenne, WY. Plan Cheyenne - This will effect eveyone in Cheyenne and surrounding area Get this out to everyone in Cheyenne - Listen to my interview I did with Stacy Lynne - PRESENTATION BY Stacy Lynne a must listen , Independent Investigative Journalist and Fact-Based Reporter on Local Government Issues - The City of Cheyenne Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Feb 3, 2014 at 6:00 p.m., in Room 118, of the Municipal Building, 2101 O’Neil Avenue, Cheyenne - (Stacy will be also at the Feb 3erd meeting) Stacy is out of Fort Collins Colorado - (ALSO - TOWN HALL MEETING WITH STACY FEB 8TH AT 3:30 PM HERE IN CHEYENNE, WY)